Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Greetings and Salutations! ;)

To date, this blog has no real purpose other than a collecting place for things I find cool. For the most part that's going to involve animals of some kind whether they be wild, pets or extinct.

This will start with my behbehs! The undisputed queen of my small-apartment menagerie is this little muttlette:

To the left you will see a picture of my most perfect little girl - Moxie. Now, if you are tempted to compare her to, let's say, some poor wretch of an animal having the misfortune to belong to Paris Hilton, you'd be sorely mistaken. Moxie is FAR too Feral for that sort of nonsense.

She is not carried in a crocodile bag with only her head showing. She plays with other dogs and sniffs more than her fair share of bottoms. In other words, she has a chance to BE A DOG! And, like everything she does, she does it with gusto. ;)

Here are some more shots of her as a pup:
Stand by for some later pictures where I compare her to: a Warg, a dingo a Jackal and a hyena. :) She thinks she's a rottweiler. She is also the light of my life.

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